Our Church History

Therefore, take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. - Acts 20:28 (NKJV)

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In 1929, under Divine inspiration of Almighty God, the late Deacon Walter A. Franks who resided at 176-19 129th Avenue, Springfield Gardens, NY along with Mrs. Maria Brown as Secretary, Mrs. Irene Jones as Treasurer, Mrs. Lillian Franks as Pianist Teacher and Deacon Walter Franks as Superintendent began a Christian Church School.

Upon expansion, Mrs. Foster offered her garage and from there Mrs. Hanes offered her facility. As the increase went forth through the Christians concerns of the Rev. R.H. McCarthy, a tent was pitched on 177th Street and 129th Avenue where the tent housed the Church School until the Fourth Sunday in December of 1931.

Therefore, on the Fourth Sunday, December 27th, 1931 the Church School and its Springfield Mission Station marched into its first erected building located at 177th Street and 129th Avenue.

December 7th, 1935, the late Rev. Dr. Theodore R. Malone was elected as the first Pastor of the Church School and Springfield Mission Station and preached his official sermon on the 13th day of January 1936.

April 27th, 1936, the congregants of the Church School and Mission Station decided to set apart and organize the Springfield Community Church. Therefore, on May 1st, 1936, the Springfield Community Church was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, with the following persons: The late Rev. Dr. Theodore R. Malone, Walther A. Franks, Vianna Berry, Robah T. Staplefoot, Frank Williams, Alice Staplefoot, Annie Adams, Irene A. Jones, Maria L. Brown, Lucy A. Jones, Lucy A. Lewis, Elizabeth Thornton, Olga D. Malone, John DeGrasse, Coerine Holmes and Lillian Franks.

In 1938, the site was purchased upon which our current Sanctuary was erected. Broke ground in the month of July 1955 and dedicated our new building to God in 1957.

In 1971, The late Rev. Dr. Theodore R. Malone broke ground for the Christian Education Building, but as the Lord would have it, Pastor Malone was called home to the Lord in 1972 during its construction.

March 4th, 1973, The Late Rev. Dr. J. Dorenzo Douglas, Th.D. de livered his official sermon as the newly elected Pastor of Springfield Community Church. It was under this leadership in 1975 the Educational Building was completed and dedicated its name as "Malone Hal". After completing twenty years as Pastor, in June 1993 he officially retired and was elected Pastoral Emeritus and served as Interim-Administrator until the electing of his successor.

October 30, 2011, A special meeting was held after Sunday service and elected Rev. Philip Craig as the newly Pastor and Administrator of The Springfield Community Church. Rev. Craig's immediate challenge was to rebuild a ministry that will be relevant once again to today's society.

In the first year of his Pastoral position, Rev. Craig has seen a year of victory in the Lord with a membership that has grown more than 5 times its size. Within 18 months of his journey, Rev. Craig has led a major physical overhaul of the church. There was a remodeling of the Narthex and Sanctuary area in addition to the re-facing of the entrance of "Malone Hall."

In 2012, new ministries have been birthed, new ministers have been introduced and the new leadership infrastructure has taken shape. Afterschool program, motivational workshops, support of community organizations on site, growing congregation, we have become "The Greater Springfield Community Church" which has resulted as an official alias by the congregation on January 26, 2013. It is out of this leadership the "Unity in The Community" movement has been recognized and supported throughout the community by its elected officials and community leaders citywide.

In 2019, GSCC will be unveiling an addition to this ministry which will greatly serve the community with its newly formed Youth Chosen Youth Church focusing on programs to empower, enrich and encourage our youth to excel and work within the spirt of excellence to become leaders following moral concepts and biblical values.

Rev. Dr. Philip Craig, M. Div., MBA is married to Jennifer, father to Jasmine, Christina aka "CC", and Jonathan Craig and grandfather to Mya; who holds a bachelor's degree in organizational management, a Master's in Business Administration, a Master's Degree in Divinity and a Doctoral degree from New York Theological Seminary. He sits on many organizational boards and is currently the President of the Queens Chapter of the National Action Network. Although Rev. Dr. Craig holds many positions, in his own words he says, "the position I enjoy the most is simply being a servant of the Lord."