The Greater Springfield Community Church is an inter-denominational church inviting all of God’s people to come Pray, Praise and Worship with us no matter what level of relationship you have with God. It is our prayer that you receive the blessing that God has intended for your life. God’s plans are limitless and here at the Greater Springfield Community Church we are dedicated to the Word of God, and live by the love of Christ to achieve the very things that look impossible to man, but very possible with God. My wife and I, speak a blessing over your life that you would receive a fresh oil anointing, daily bread and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In your most challenging times we pray for your strength and that you will find peace and joy in your home, children, marriage, ministry and your mission. We pray you obtain the key that will unlock the very treasures God has in store for you, and that you stay obedient, faithful and dedicated to Christ, so Christ will open the flood gates of heaven and out pour a blessing upon you that you cannot fully receive. We love you.